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Our Vision:

Our vision is to see renewal and growth in the church in Scotland, and the nation transformed by the power of the Gospel.

Our Purpose:

Our purpose is to be a catalyst for the body of Christ in Scotland to grow more in love with Jesus and through that for the nation to be transformed.

Our Values:

  • Honouring of others & celebrate success.

  • Measured

  • Honest

  • Transformational

  • Committed to bringing people together to collaborate in a gospel ecosystem.

In our work, we will be:

  • Proactive

  • Innovative

  • A “Funder Plus”

  • Church serving

  • Kingdom advancing


Who we will fund:

  • Organisations that are innovative and have a track record of delivery.

  • Organisations who have demonstrable understanding of their project area; with a robust project plan.

  • Organisations who able to articulate what success looks like and the impact that their project will bring.

  • Organisations with credibility & character.

  • We have a preference for registered charities and other formal governance structures.


The Types of Our Awards

  • We are open to fully funding or partnering with other funders.

  • We have a preference for one year funding but are open to multi-year applications where the need for it is clear.

  • We will only fund Revenue costs.

  • We will fund Core and Project Costs.

  • Our maximum grant is £10K.

The Nature of Our Funding

  • We will be both a Responsive and Proactive Funder.  We will seek a letter of enquiry before inviting formal application which will contain the who, what, mission, vision, outcomes from the potential applicant.

  • Our Funding Streams are currently at different stages of development; therefore, for the year ahead we envisage spending 40% of our grants on church planting. 40% on Leadership.  And 10% each for Prayer and Gospel contextualisation.  However, we can still be flexible in this allocation.

  • We will only fund work which is done in Scotland.

  • We may look at specific areas within Scotland for different funding streams, e.g. a focus on one city for church planting.

  • Applicants must confirm their basis of faith as agreeing with the Evangelical Alliance basis of faith.



  • We will work to ensure all applications are considered on a quarterly basis.


Rejected Applications

  • We will communicate with those we reject for funding.

  • We are willing to help unsuccessful applicants by sharing reasons for rejection and will include suggestions of what might help to improve the application.

  • We will be open to re-application at later date.


V2 April 2021

© 2024 The Maclellan Foundation Scotland

A Registered Scottish Charity: SC035570
Company Limited by Guarantee: SC268726
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